Traka Web
Advanced key and asset management software
Traka Web is an advanced administration suite for centrally managing Traka Touch key and locker systems on almost any device that can run a browser, including phones, tablets and PCs. Traka Web can support unlimited keys or assets.
Traka Web is the latest generation of administration software improving functionality and maintaining Traka’s technological leadership. The main benefits of Traka Web include ease of deployment, a modern graphical user interface, allowing for remote administration and being more scalable than ever before.

The benefits
Brings users and items side-by-side, making it easy to grant access to items quickly and efficiently.
Full audit capability - retains a complete history of all key, asset, locker and user transactions.
Supports a full range of reports to help attain better asset utilisation.
Instant email notifications can be linked to specific asset movements or when an item isn’t returned by its curfew time.
Allows systems to be expanded to thousands of lockers or cabinets on a centrally managed network.
Innovative integration engine allows Traka user permissions to link with existing access control.
The features:
Item Booking
This allows users to reserve items for a specific period of time. For example; a company pool car may be booked out for a set day for a specific individual, ensuring that the keys are not able to be accessed or taken by other members of staff.
Email notifications
Users can set up email notifications to alert users of specific key/ asset movements, events and overdue curfews. For example, if a cleaner’s master key isn’t returned at the end of their shift at handover time, then an email can be sent to the manager to chase it up.
Custom messages
The custom message feature allows a predefined text to display either before a key/ asset is taken or just after it is returned. For example: remind a staff member to refuel the vehicle after use. This is a great way to remind staff of specific tasks that they may need to carry out.
Fault Logging
Users can record an issue or fault against items such as vehicles or machinery, through to hand held devices in which management will be notified by email. If it is a major fault then the item will be locked in place so that it is not issued to another individual until it is fixed. Based on the criticality of the fault, access rights can be restricted to prevent further damage, wasted time or injury.

Integration Engine
Integrate with existing access control and HR systems to provide centralized control and visibility
Full reporting
Configure the reporting you need to share targeted management information and retain a full audit trail

Full audit trail
Full audit trail of all users and key transactions
Administrative Regions - Create administrative regions to help empower each department or site within your organization while retaining central control and visibility at the enterprise level.
Queries and Reporting - TrakaWEB comes with a suite of reports to help you get better utilization of the assets you want to control
Real-Time Updates (RTUS) - Provides real-time state change information from the system to the integration engine and through a third-party access control application.
Access Schedules - Apply time restrictions to certain assets.
Curfew Management - Can be set on any asset to enforce its return by a certain time. Will also generate an alert if the item isn't returned on time.
Email Notifications - Can be set up to alert administrators or managers if a specific action occurs, such as curfew is overdue or a door is left open
Fault Logging - Allows users to record an issue or fault against assets such as vehicles or machinery and automatically notifies the correct user and restricts access to that asset until the necessary repairs are made
Faulty Item Exchange - Allows the end-user to deposit faulty devices such as radios and weapons into a locker compartment, and obtain a replacement device.
Scheduled Reports - Help simplify and automate the process of creating and sharing targeted management information on a regular basis.
Multiple Authorization - Set up a particular asset to require an additional user to also be present with their credentials to access the asset.
Advanced First in First Out - Manage user access to ensure a fair and proportionate use of assets such as vehicles and that users can only take out their permitted allocation of each item type.
Fleet Management - Fuel, distance and location logging can be recorded at the system and reported.
Random Return (RRMS) - Allows any key to be returned to any system on a network wherever they are in the same or different locations.
Core Functions
Name Value
Item booking This allows users to reserve items for a specific period of time. For example; a company pool car may be booked out for a set day for a specific individual, ensuring that the keys are not able to be accessed or taken by other members of staff.
Email notifications Users can set up email notifications to alert users of specific key/ asset movements, events and overdue curfews. For example, if a cleaner’s master key isn’t returned at the end of their shift at handover time, then an email can be sent to the manager to chase it up.
Custom messages The custom message feature allows a predefined text to display either before a key/ asset is taken or just after it is returned. For example: remind a staff member to refuel the vehicle after use. This is a great way to remind staff of specific tasks that they may need to carry out.
Fault logging Users can record an issue or fault against items such as vehicles or machinery, through to hand held devices in which management will be notified by email. If it is a major fault then the item will be locked in place so that it is not issued to another individual until it is fixed. Based on the criticality of the fault, access rights can be restricted to prevent further damage, wasted time or injury.
BR-TW-AA - TrakaWEB Brochure (PDF,7 MB) |
TrakaWEBOverview.pdf (PDF,7 MB) |
TrakaWEB Specification (PDF,221 KB) |
TrakaWEB Features Explained |
First In First Out (PDF,1 MB) |
Fleet Management (PDF,2 MB) |
Item booking (PDF,2 MB) |
Real Time Update Service (PDF 1017KB) |
Faulty Item Exchange (PDF,1 MB) |
Traka Web Licence Explained (PDF,1 MB) |
Open Sourced Device Protocol (PDF,4 MB) |
Fault Logging (PDF,3 MB) |
Application Security Assurance (PDF,777 KB) |
Access Schedules( (PDF,8 MB) |
Random Return to Multiple Systems (PDF,977 KB) |