Dual Channel GPSDO Kit, 10MHz with Auto-Calibration

Everything you need for a completely functional GPSDO - frequency reference, antenna, cable and power supply. Secondary channel can be programmed to be 14 KHz to 10 MHz in 1 ppm steps (LVCMOS)
High performance GPS receiver maintaining lock in poor signal environments
Continously compensates (self-calibrating) for long-term-aging
Temperature stability +- 10 ppb
Holdover stability of 5 ppb/day - 50ppb/year
Locked accuracy <4E-12
Operates from DC power in three ranges +-( 10 to 18, 18 to 36, 36 to 65) VDC or an AC adapter
Self-test provides unit status with indicator and relay contact signal for remote monitoring
GPS lock signal and indicator allows system to know when the unit signal is being controlled by GPS - alerts to potential problems
Kit includes antenna,NR6720-CAL-single channel GPSDO, 50' cable and power adapter
Add portability with a high impact plastic water proof case (ordered as an option)
Pole mount or magnetic mount antenna GPSDOKIT102(P or M)
Custom kits - we can customize a kit for any of our GPS locked references.
Typical Phase Noise
Offset Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)
1 Hz -100
10 Hz -120
100 Hz -132
1KHz -140