Six Channel Rubidium Frequency Reference Featuring Low Noise, GNSS Locking and Networking
The phase noise for a standard Rubidium source is not acceptable for some applications. Our low noise Rubidium frequency reference incorporates a low noise OCXO that is locked to the Rubidium source. To achieve even greater long-term stability, the Rubidium reference is locked to the GPS/GNSS. This combination gives you the best of three technologies - the stability of Rubidium, the low noise of an OCXO and the long-term stability of GPS/GNSS. Add network communications port and check status remotely. Time base adds continuous monitoring of frequency.This single rack unit chassis, having six channels, frequently meets the needs of complex systems and often eliminates the need for a distribution amplifer.ยท temperature stability <3E-10. Digital display and serial port for monitoring available. Popular in scientific, calibration labs and satellite uplinks.
Harmonics <40 dBc
Excellent holdover stability<5E-11/month
Time base monitors reference frequency-reports status via Internet
Outputs are fault protected and monitored continously
Built-in test circuitry throughout the design

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