16-bit to Touch Hardware Upgrade Kits

Bring the power of Traka Web to all of your Traka cabinets.
With our new 16-bit to Touch hardware upgrade kits, your existing Traka key cabinets can gain all of the benefits of the Traka Touch platform, along with our innovative web-based administration software, Traka Web.
The upgrade kits are available for S-Series and L-Series key cabinets with a 136mm x 499mm stainless steel control panel fascia (with a 50/50 split of top/bottom panel), including those with extension cabinets. It is also available for M-Series key cabinets using the 136mm width control panel fascia. Locker systems using a standard control pod can also be upgraded. Laptop, Tablet and Personnel lockers, and lockers using an integrated pod, are not supported at this time.
The upgrade kits contain all of the components necessary to upgrade your M-Series, S-Series and L-Series key cabinets to the Traka Touch platform. The existing control panel fascia is removed, and is fitted with a new fascia, control board and 5" touchscreen.
The upgrade allows the customer to reuse existing Receptor Strips, supporting both 10 and 20-way types of all variants (locking and non-locking, buttons/keypad release, emergency release, LEDs). Existing locker interface boards can also be reused. The upgrade will also allow the re-use of the existing cabinet metalwork and pod, lower control panel fascia and reader*, Power Supply, backup battery (with replacement cable), and receptor cables.
*The majority of readers are supported, however due to a number of custom configurations that required special firmware, not all readers can be used on the Traka Touch platform.
Want to Know More?
If you have an enquiry regarding a new installation, a service or support issue and for any other information please get in touch: Contact us