Low Cost 10 MHz GPSDO Kit with Auto Calibration

Everything you need for a completely functional GPSDO - NR3700-CAL-T 10MHz frequency reference, antenna and power supply. This TCXO based kit is our lowest cost GPSDO kit. With auto-calibration to compensate for long-term drift, exceptional performance at a low price point. The perfect GPSDO for the amateur wanting frequency accuracy on a limited budget.
Continously compensates (self-calibrating) for long-term-aging
Holdover stability of +- 1 ppm/year
Locked accuracy <4E-12
Operates from a nominal 12 vdc source
GPS lock indicator allows system to know when the unit signal is being controlled by GPS - alerts to potential problems
Kit includes NR3700-CAl-T, antenna and power adapter
Add portability with a high impact plastic waterproof case (order separately)
Custom kits -we can put together a kit for any of our GPS locked references