10 Channel Low Noise Rubidium Frequency Reference
Stability of Rubidium < 5E-11 Month
For many applications, the phase noise of a Rubidium reference is not acceptable. The NR2310D-R-O incorporates a low noise OCXO that is disciplined to the Rubidium reference. Sixteen channels typically meets the needs of most systems eliminating the need for a distribution amplifier and minimizing noise degradation. All channels are continuously monitored and displayed locally and accessible via RS232 or Ethernet.
10 transient and fault protected channels with local indicators on the front and rear panel.
Option-operates from AC or DC power sources..
Monitor and set alert limits on each output.
Aging less than 5E-11/month
Temperature stability <5E-10 0 to 50C
Warm-up time , 12 min
Unit can be ordered with 5 to 10 channels
High stability PPS option avaiable , < 50 ps -P-P (see curve)

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